We made it to September in the weirdest year ever! If you know me, you know Summertime is the BEST time. I love planting things, birding, and mowing. We are outdoors more than we are indoors. I have a love-hate with Fall. Our Summers are just that good but I LOVE decorating for Fall. Today is supposed to be rainy, so we will do school first and then give the house a good deep clean. I promised Matilda that if we're all caught up by Wednesday, I will make a visit to the attic and do pumpkin inventory!
In the Winter as our pumpkins (the ones we've purchased) begin to break down, we have a pumpkin smashing fest in the backyard. We are on five acres, so we just go outside the fence and start pitching them. We've done this for the past few years. Well, this year, we had pumpkins start growing where we smashed them. We've been babying them, but also letting nature take care of them. We have two pumpkins that I can see. There may be one or two more! I'll try to post their progress here.
You can tell our weather is in transition. Our birding has been increasing with birds we've never had before! We had a Tufted Titmouse yesterday! This sweet bird's first visit to our yard. Our Eastern Blues come daily and line the fence and fill the bird bath. This photo only shows a few of them!